Friday, June 22, 2012

Secret Weapons

Just like soldiers in the army, I have weapons to fight against aging, climate and weather, which damage our skin and hair. Below are my beauty arsenals!

Secret Weapons!

Just like you, i'm a soldier for beauty and the ff. weapons are helping me maintain what I have right now:

1.) Olive oil-  we often use olive oil for cooking, but this baby can do a lot more. It helps moisturize and soften skin and it can only be use at night.

2.) Lip scrub- helps circulate blood in our lips and removes unwanted flakes.

3.)Silk Scarf Hair Serum- Is bought in Etude house. It magically makes hair shiny and softer.

4.) Dove make-up remover- It's not just any ordinary make-up remover, it's a foam make-up remover which is why it feels so good in the skin.

5.) Denman compact brush- it makes my life easier because it's not just a mirror, it's also a brush!

6.) face massager- is bought in Face shop, it fights gravity by massaging my face to lift skin

7.) Face brush- helps remove excessive dirt on the face and also massages the face

8.) Nail file- shapes nails

9.) hair massager- use when taking a bath, its helps hair grow faster

10.) Shower cap- is bought in Watsons, their shower caps are really cheap! Anyway, shower caps must be use when conditioning your hair. Put conditioner  then shower cap on your hair and let it stay for 15 mins for a manageable hair.

Now that you know my beauty weapons, purchase one now because all Filipinas are beautiful and it's a must to maintain what we have right now!

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